15 best work anniversary messages

Since we are currently in the hype of ChatGPT, I won’t copy/paste what it could have said; instead, I’ll give you relevant prompts to use in order to create the best work anniversary messages!

15 best work anniversary messages

Here we go again! Today is another work anniversary for one of your colleagues, and you’re out of inspiration for sending them a message. Since we are currently in the hype of ChatGPT, I won’t copy/paste what it could have said; instead, I’ll give you relevant prompts to use in order to create the best work anniversary messages!

Celebrate Birthdays and Work Anniversaries on Slack with Billy The Birthday Bot for Slack (Free to install)

Drafting the perfect prompt

Counter-intuitively, it is not an easy task. Every time you write a ChatGPT prompt, you need to be very specific to ensure that the results fit exactly what you expect for the employee work anniversary messages.

What is important for our matter (work anniversary celebration message) is to mention:

  • the hierarchy level between you and the person
  • how close you are to this person
  • the tone of the message (humorous, sarcastic, friendly, etc.)
  • whether or not the message will be seen by others (public channel vs. direct message)
  • (bonus point) ask ChatGPT for a fun fact about the work anniversary date

Additionally, it is best to ask ChatGPT for multiple results so that you can choose the one that best reflects the intention you’d like to convey, or pick parts from different results of happy work anniversary messages.

Let’s see that in practice!


Here are some examples of prompt and some examples of messages ChatGPT generated:

Example #1 – The basic one Prompt

Write 7 short work anniversary celebration messages for me to send to Beth, a colleague who is 3+ hierarchy levels above me and in another department, with whom I’m not close at all. I have never met her in person. These messages will be sent directly to her through Slack. By the way, it’s her 3rd work anniversary.

Sample messages

  1. Congratulations on your 3rd work anniversary, Beth! 🎉 Your hard work and dedication continue to inspire us all. Wishing you many more successful years at [company name]!
  2. Happy 3rd work anniversary, Beth! 🌟 Your leadership and expertise have made a significant impact on our company. Here’s to many more years of growth and success!
  3. Wishing you a fantastic 3rd work anniversary, Beth! 🎊 Your commitment to excellence is truly admirable. May you continue to lead and inspire us in the years to come.
  4. Happy 3rd work anniversary, Beth! 🏆 Your guidance and dedication have been invaluable to our organization. Thank you for your hard work, and may you continue to achieve great things!
  5. Beth, congratulations on your 3rd work anniversary! 🎈 Your passion and drive for success have contributed greatly to [company name]. Here’s to many more years of accomplishments!
  6. Cheers to your 3rd work anniversary, Beth! 🥂 Your unwavering commitment and leadership have played a vital role in our company’s progress. Wishing you continued success in your career!
  7. Happy 3rd work anniversary, Beth! 🎉 Your dedication and expertise have been a guiding light for our team. We’re grateful for your leadership and look forward to your continued achievements!
  8. Congratulations on reaching [number] years with our team! I truly appreciate your dedication and hard work. To many more years of achievement together!”
  9. “Happy work anniversary! Your commitment and passion for what you do are truly commendable. Wishing you continued success in your career.”
  10. “Celebrating [number] years of collaboration! Your contributions have made our team awesome”

Example #2 – Max power Prompt

Write me 5 work anniversary celebration messages I could send to Alex, a colleague who is at the same hierarchy level and with whom I’m really close, that will be posted in a public channel. Please use an humorous tone and include a fun fact related to the 18th of March.

Sample messages

  1. Hey Alex! Happy work anniversary! 🎉 Can’t believe it’s been another year of sharing office gossip and coffee runs together! Did you know that on this day in 1314, Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, was burned at the stake? Well, at least our job isn’t that intense, right? 😂 Here’s to another year of surviving the daily grind together! Cheers! 🥂
  2. Happy workiversary, Alex! 🥳 On this day in 1965, the first-ever spacewalk took place, which is almost as groundbreaking as the day you joined our team! Thanks for all the laughs and friendship – looking forward to more interstellar adventures together in the office! To infinity and beyond! 🚀
  3. A massive shout-out to Alex on their work anniversary! 🎊 Did you know that on March 18, 1990, a major art heist happened at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston? Well, you definitely stole our hearts right from the start! 😜 Let’s keep creating our own work of art together – cheers to another year of teamwork and camaraderie! 🎨
  4. Happy work anniversary, Alex! 🍾 Fun fact: On this day in 1850, American Express was founded. Just like their slogan, “Don’t leave home without it,” we wouldn’t want to work here without you! Thanks for being an invaluable partner in crime and for all the fun memories we’ve shared. Here’s to another year of growing, learning, and laughing together! 💳
  5. Hey Alex! It’s your work anniversary, and you know what that means – time for a little history lesson! On March 18, 1644, the third great plague pandemic began in China. But don’t worry, unlike that pandemic, your presence here has had only positive effects on our team! 😅 Thanks for being a fantastic colleague and friend. Let’s keep spreading good vibes and conquering the office world together. Cheers! 🍻

What types of employee recognition awards can be created for a work anniversary?

Recognizing an employee's dedication and contributions can be both meaningful and motivating. There are various types of recognition awards you can create to celebrate a work anniversary, each tailored to highlight different achievements and qualities. Here are some ideas:

1. Performance-Based Awards:

  • Employee of the Year: Honors exceptional overall performance and dedication.
  • Top Salesperson: Recognizes the highest sales numbers achieved over the year.
  • Most Improved: Celebrates impressive growth and development.

2. Innovation and Creativity Awards:

  • Innovator of the Year: Commends groundbreaking ideas and creative solutions.
  • Trailblazer Award: Acknowledges those who set new standards and explore uncharted territories.

3. Team Contributions:

  • Team MVP: Given to employees who consistently contribute to team success.
  • Collaborator Award: Recognizes exceptional teamwork and collaborative spirit.

4. Leadership and Mentorship:

  • Outstanding Leader: Celebrates inspiring leadership and guidance.
  • Mentor of the Year: Honors those who have significantly impacted others' growth.

5. Special Qualities:

  • Unsung Hero: Recognizes behind-the-scenes efforts that make a significant impact.
  • Customer Service Champ: Rewards excellence in client interactions and support.

6. Milestone Achievements:

  • 5/10/20-Year Milestones: Custom awards celebrating significant work anniversaries.
  • Project Completion Awards: Recognizes notable contributions to key projects.

These awards can be presented during a team meeting or virtual ceremony, making the recognition public and meaningful. Encourage coworkers to share stories and testimonials to further personalize the occasion. Celebrating these milestones not only honors the individual but inspires the entire team.


As you can see, the hardest part is fine-tuning the prompt you’re going to send to ChatGPT. The more precise you can be, the better the results will be. Keep in mind you can always ask for more variations and it can be used for remote office birthday as well. I hope this helps you avoid the blank page syndrome!

You may also be interested in checking out the best birthday messages for coworkers.