3 steps to create a Slack poll
Slack does not include any poll feature by default. We'll go through the steps required for you to create a Poll in Slack. It can be quick and simple if you chose the right extension. Let's dive into it!

Slack does not include any poll feature by default. We'll go through the steps required for you to create a Poll in Slack. It can be quick and simple if you chose the right extension. Let's dive into it!

- Install Pulsy Poll application for Slack
Pulsy Poll Slack is free to install and has complete set of options for your polls. Click "Add to Slack" from this page: Slack Pulsy Poll
Then you'll be able to create a poll from anywhere in Slack by running the command /poll - Create your first Poll
- Select the channel
If you ran the command in a channel. It will be automatically filled with the current channel name. You can still edit the target channel. - Write your question
Be as short and concise as possible. For the audience to answer the question it has to be quick to read and respond. - Either list choices or use the templates
The templates cover the majority of use cases. You can also pre-fill with a template and still edit the choices afterwards.
The templates contains these choices: 1-5, 1-10, Yes/No, Agree /Disagree, Monday-Friday, More Often-Less often, Very important-Very unimportant, Very useful-Not useful.
Note that leaving the choices empty means that it will be an open ended question. - Settings
There are a few last settings to check out before submitting, Do you want to allow multiple votes?, Can the audience add choices? This can be useful for preparing a Q&A for instance. And lastly, do you want to sort options by number of vote? (also useful for Q&As)
You can now click on "Create Poll"
- Select the channel
- Visualize results
Once your poll is published, you can visualize the results Live directly in the channel where it was posted.
That's it, 3 simple steps to create a Slack poll. If you want to go further and create a Survey, we wrote an article about creating a survey in slack. See as well our article on How to run e-NPS in Slack in 2024.